Monday, March 31, 2008

Higher food prices start to bite!

1.Food prices are higher because of the cost of rising gas prices and the cost of the fuel needed to process and make the wheat and milk and other products we use.

2.They are selling items to a certain due date wich makes consumers have to by the product more to keep it up to date.

3.My 10 listed Items are:


4. I chose red delicious apples which have went up 59 cents per pound from 2007 to 2008 which could be a price increase due to the workers. or gas for hauling the apple accross country.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Credible Credit Counsler

Client 2

The Fair Debt Collection Act protects you from being harrased you are protected under federal law your legal rights are being violated by the nonstop harrassing phone calls. Although you have been irresponsible about getting behind on your payments. The best way to STOP the harrasing is to make payments on time. I can only suggest that you keep your job and contact your bank immediatly and come up with a solution to your problem.

Client 3

According to the law you have the right to recieve all of the information about the product. Your rights are being violated because information is being withheld from you. You seem to be being responsible about the fact of not spending any money on something that the information is not all present for. I suggest you contact the number that goes with the add and ask for information about the product make sure that they hold no information back from you.

Client 4

According to the Fair Credit Oppertunity Act because he has the right to know why he was denied credit. Your rights have been violated because they are are not giving you the information telling you why you were denied credit. You are being responsible in the fact of asking why you are being denied credit. I suggest that you contact the creditor that you were denied credit from and inform them of the situation if they still wont give you the reason why they denied you credit then I suggest that you choose a different credit company.

Client 5

According to the Truth in Lending and Consumer Leasing Acts you can protect yourself against any charges made to your credit. Your legal rights have not been violated yet. Yet you are being extremely irresponsible about the fact of your credit cards being lost and your identity to for the fact of it being possibly stolen. I suggest you call your credit card company and discontinue your cards immediatly.


According to the Truth and Lending Act you have the right to know why they are charging you for. You are being responsible for investigating why they can do what they are asking you. I suggest you ask them more questions as to why they would charge you the extra fee if they dont give you answer that fullfills your concerns or needs about the charge then i suggest that you shop around more.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Section 6.3 Assesment!

1. what you should do! You can contact the creditor with a letter or with a phone call, Your creditor should respond by checking to see if there are any mistakes and they should be cooperative!

2. You can protect yourself against credit card theft or loss by making sure that the card is returned to you after you make a perchase. Or you make sure that you dont leave information about your card with your card, or you can make sure not to give out any information over the internet, also you should shred or tear up any bills with info on them or shred credit cards.

3. The Fair Credit Reporting Act protects you with that it protects you from unfair billing acts.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Section 6.1 assesment!

1. Ways to determine wether you can afford a loan is will you be able to meet all the usual expences plus the monthly loan payments you will have. Another is to consider what you may have to give up to make the monthly payment.

2. The five c's of credit are Character-will you pay off the loan, Capacity-Can you repay the loan, Capital-what are your assets worth, Collateral-what if you do not repay the loan and Credit History- What is your credit history.

3. 3 steps to obtaining a good credit rating are making sure the loan payments are payed off on time, Being willing to pay the credit payments on time, and the ability to pay them on time.

4. ways to lower lender risk is to make sure that all the payments are in on time that you are capable of keeping a job for a certain amount of time and obtaining a loan that was in good standing before getting your next loan.

5. It would be a good desision without the college loan included because her debt to income ration is 8.63% so she is below the 20 percent rule!

with the college loan she would be over her limits of the 20 percent rule!

Friday, March 7, 2008

1. The main users of Fico credit scores are banks they use it to keep track of your credit scores to see if you are able to obtain a loan.

2. Piggybacking is the allowing of someone else to polish their credit on your good credi scores.

3. 5 factors that determine credit scores Payment history, types of credit scores, number of credit openings, and inquires,

4. Fico scoring model differs from the last years because they will see their credit scores go up rather than go down!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

6.1 questions!

Liz Ring Section 6-1 Questions 1-3 and 5

two advantages and two disadvantages of using credit is Advantages are that it lets you enjoy goods and services now, using credit gives you a record of your expenses.

Disadvantages are that credit costs money and that there is more temptation to buy more than you can afford.

Closed end credit is a one time loan that you will pay back over a specific period of time in payments of equal amounts.

Open end credit is a loan that you can only borrow a certain limit amount of money for a variety of goods and services.

An inexpensive loan is a loan without interest. Medium Priced loan is a loan with moderate interest Expensive loans are loans that are the most expensive.

My view is that it is a good thing. When I get older I plan to obtain a credit card. I would prefer to pay cash because it is quicker but then again having a credit card will pay off when you are buying a car or a house or something for credit. To obtain a loan you have to have some form of credit in your background to make you liable to obtain it. Money management would be in my eyes having proof of obtaining credit will get you along better in the world then having no credit when you are ready to buy a house or get a car.